Monday, November 1, 2010

Myths and their relevance in Twelfth Century fiction

In this book, Moddelmog provides  poetics for the myth in twelfth-century fiction arguing that the nature of myth is to inspire interpretation. She also goes on to say that every myth carries with it an embedded body of theories about its meaning, yet still remains capable of inspiring new meaning. This is important for an actor because they need to be able to interpret the character in their own way as well at the play itself. if they are able to capture the meaning behind the characters motivations they will be able to portray the character in a truthful way.

Work Cited:

Moddelmog, Debra A. Readers and Mythic Signs: The Oedipus Myth in Twentieth-Century Fiction. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1993. 1-176.  

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