Monday, November 1, 2010

Freud and the Oedipus Complex

 The journal, "Suppose Freud had chosen Orestes instead", by Margaret Clark, discusses the myth of Oedipus, although widely understood, does not convey greater insight into human development than other myths do. Oedipus the King, being the basis of Freud's concept on sexual theory, well known as the Oedipus Complex. Explaining the  idea of the clash between narcissism and the power of the unconscious mind.
Clark states that this myth is no more influential in that idea than The Oresteia by Aeschylus. the idea of the Oedipus Complex is greatly relevant to the production of the play. Learning the physiological/sociological approach and understanding the concept of Freud's theory on sexual human development greatly affects the way the character of Oedipus is portrayed on stage. Being able to fully understand Oedipus is of major importance when doing this play. The actor must be able to create a fully developed character analysis for who they are suppose to become.

Work Cited:

Clark, Margaret. "Suppose Freud had chosen Orestes instead." Journal of Analytical Psychology 54.2 (2009): 233-252. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 31 Oct. 2010.

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