Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ancient Greek Theatre


This video discusses Greek theatre and the playwrights associated with this time period in theatre history. Oedipus was written by Sophecles, one of the playwrights of this time period. They speak of the themes involved with the different forms of Greek Theatre. The one most invoked with this play is the form known as Tragedy.

Oedipus is by all accounts a tragedy. the most common theme related to Tragedy is the use of a "Tragic Hero". Within Tragedies, the main character is always plagued with some flaw of character, also known as a tragic flaw. In this instance, Oedipus's is that that of an overweening pride, known as Hamartia. Thus becoming the Tragic Hero, because his pride keeps him for seeing the truth. Oedipus is a prideful, arrogant and influential man and must be portrayed as such until his tragic downfall.

Work Cited:

"Unit #2: Greek Theatre." Youtube. Web. 1 Nov 2010. <>. 

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